Year 9 options: Timeline and letter to families
Year 9 Options information/key dates
Students attend chosen Taster Sessions
March 2nd - 5th- - Year 9 will attend 8 timetabled virtual option taster sessions. Students will be invited to join taster sessions on teams, based on their selection. When students are not taking part in taster sessions, students will be expected to follow their normal timetabled lessons and complete work.
Taster sessions will remain online throughout Thursday 4th March and Friday 5th March.
March 8th – Parent/Carer virtual drop-in sessions 8:30am-5:00pm
Parents/carers can make a 1-to-1 online appointment, if required, to discuss in more detail the Year 9 options process. Appointments will run from 8:30am-5:00pm and will be led by key academy personnel. Appointments are bookable on our online parents evening system.
March 8th - 12th – Choosing Preliminary Options online
Students will need to choose FOUR option subjects plus TWO reserves. The process will be completed online with students being sent a teams form to complete and submit choices. The form will also be sent out via parent email. Students will have the week to think about their choices, so please do not rush this process.
March 12th – Deadline for preliminary options submissions.
Week commencing March 15th – Preliminary Options Submissions Review
Preliminary Options Submissions will be reviewed by Mrs Tarsitano VP for Outcomes and
and Mr Winfield Year 9 RSL to ensure appropriacy.
March 22nd – 26th _ Finalising option choices
All students will be required to attend a formal 1-to-1 meeting to finalise option choices. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss what subjects your child chose for his/her preliminary options, to discuss their suitability and to complete the necessary paperwork. Parents/Carers are welcome to attend online. Details for booking online appointments will follow.
A dedicated Year 9 options webpage will be live on our website soon.