Focusing on uniform
Thomas Clarkson Academy is focusing heavily on school uniform over the coming weeks.
Your child is required to be in full academy uniform by Monday 29th September 2014
Please follow this link to familiarise yourself with what items of clothing and shoes are permitted. All pupils have been reminded about wearing the appropriate school blazer, tie, shirt and in particular, trousers and shoes. In addition girls have been reminded about appropriate school skirts.
Follow this link to see the uniform PowerPoint presentation.
Your child is required to be in full academy uniform by Monday 29th September 2014.
Please follow this link to familiarise yourself with what items of clothing and shoes are permitted. All pupils have been reminded about wearing the appropriate school blazer, tie, shirt, and in particular, trousers and shoes. In addition, girls have been reminded about appropriate school skirts.
You can also ask your child to show you their planner for permitted items of clothing.
This link will direct you to the PowerPoint presentation that was shared with all pupils and staff in our Learning Community Assemblies on 16th, 17th and 18th September 2014.
Please contact your child's Progress Leader or worker for any further information or to answer any queries you may have.