Are you thinking of a future in reporting?

Do your future plans include becoming a reporter?
If so, you might want to take a look at the BBC Young Reporter Competition which is open to young people aged between 11 and 18.
The category is 'Me and My World' and reports can be a personal story, related to your experiences or those of friends or family. Or you could create a story on an experience which is particularly relevant to young people.
There will be national and regional winners to this competition and entries need to be made through the website here
Stories ideally need to be original, or something that hasn't appeared in the news much before and the closing date for entries is Sunday, March 24 at 11pm.
You need to be able to answer the question 'why do you want to share your story and why you think it is interesting for a wider audience?'
Stories don't have to be negative to be successful and if you know something uplifting which brings positive change, then you can report on it.
The BBC website offers hints and tips as well as articles from previous winners to help.