Social Media Update - Advice
Please would all Snap Chat users, both parents and students read the following advice with regards to the new update.
Please be aware that Snapchat have changed their settings.
A map has been attached to the account.
This map provides any person who is your Snapchat Friend with your PRECISE location at ANY GIVEN TIME!
In order to keep yourself safe please follow the guidance below:
· Update your Snap chat and the scroll inwards (2 finger motion) on the picture/photo screen
· The screen will show you the map and ask you to tap “next”…..
· The update will allow you to then select “who can see you” on the map…..
· For TOTAL PRIVACY you need to select “ghost me”. Nobody will be able to see your location.
· For SELECT PRIVACY, (only trusted friends and family), select the people who you are happy to know your location at any given time.
Please ensure you only accept friends onto your snapchat account who you know in person!