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Updated - Year 5/6 Open Evening 2021

Wednesday 22nd September 2021 5pm - 7pm

We are delighted to be able to invite Year 5 & 6 parents in person to visit Thomas Clarkson Academy this year during our open evening on Wednesday 22nd September 2021.

At TCA our motto is Transform, Challenge and Aspire as we strive to transform the opportunities of young people in Wisbech by providing them with the best opportunities to achieve the academic qualifications and skills to progress to university or the career of their choice.

We challenge them to be the best version of themselves and aspire to achieve the best they can. In turn, we do all in our power to nurture their ambitions and provide students with a 'ticket for life'.

We are an inclusive school and always endeavour to leave no child behind. During our recent inspection , Ofsted inspectors commented on the positive relationships between staff and students and how the students felt safe and well supported.

We take pride in creating a calm, orderly and, importantly, friendly atmosphere in the academy.


If you missed our open evening and would like to visit the school we have arranged for a number of sessions for families to book. Please only book these if your child is currently in year 6 as these are very limited.