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Bella bounces her way to gold

Sixth former Bella Featherstone-Dance has become a gold medallist twice over after wowing judges at a national trampolining event.

The 17-year-old was competing in both Trampoline and Double Mini Trampoline (DMT) disciplines at the National League for Trampolining competition, which took place in Burgess Hill, near Brighton.

Bella performed 10 flawless somersaults in her trampoline routine to beat some 40 other gymnasts to the gold, before going on to achieve a second gold medal in DMT.

Attached to the Fenland Flyers, who train at the Hudson Centre in Wisbech, the talented gymnast has been trampolining since the age of seven, when her grandfather introduced her to the sport and she fell in love with it.

Her gold-winning routine took around two years to perfect, and Bella trains for six hours a week at the club, where she also helps to coach younger gymnasts. 

Bella's A Level subjects include Sport, which has proved helpful while competing.

“I get very nervous before a competition,” she said. “but luckily we’ve been learning about sports psychology and controlling emotions in Year 12 Sport recently."

She added: “My ambitions for the future are the British Championships, get fantastic A Levels and have a career in the sports industry, although I’m undecided what yet.”