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Double prom night success

Huge horsepower, new horsepower and proper horsepower were all put to good use for this year’s prom night.

Everything from a tractor to a stock car and vintage bus were used to provide transport for the Year 11 and Year 13 pupils who marked the end of the exam season in style.

And a horse-drawn carriage took its place alongside the mighty horsepower of a John Deere tractor and Harley Davidson trike at the school gates.

A classic American Chevrolet and a stock car joined cabriolets, convertibles and a range of prestige vehicles to transport the students to the academy for the celebration which marks the end of school-life for the Year 13 pupils.

“It was great to see how much effort our students had put into their prom nights. There was an amazing range of transport and all the students looked very elegant,”  said Principal Richard Scott.

“The evening was a good way to round-off a very busy, and occasionally stressful, time for our students and they were able to relax with their friends and mark the end of their exam year.”

The year groups held their event in different halls with a shared buffet for around 180 celebrating students.

See our gallery from the night here