Winners of our World Book Day competitions

The prize-winners for our World Book Day events, including the walking library, have been announced.
Maria A in Yr10 took the first prize of an Amazon voucher, book and chocolates. Second was Ciara-Leigh in Yr7 and Milena F, also Y7, was third. Both were awarded a book and chocolates.
The winning tutor groups from the WBD quiz can also be revealed, with 7K (Mrs Ray) taking the top spot. Second went to 7D (Mrs Lynn) and third was 9H (Ms Buckland).
Congratulations to everyone who took part - and don’t forget the Joke Book Competition is open until next Thursday (28) so tutor groups need to get their entries to Miss Robinson.
Across the academy, World Book Day was marked with tokens given to all year groups for a free book. It’s valid until March 31, so make sure to use yours.
Our staff took part in the Walking Library competition and wore tabards with book covers and blurb. Students had to complete a sheet identifying each staff member and their ‘book.’
And - we will do it all again next year!