Teaching Leaders Fellows programme
Thomas Clarkson Academy’s teachers Dr D Simpson and Dr T Jones are among 16 teachers from across Brooke Weston Trust who have successfully secured places on the nationally accredited Teaching Leaders Fellows programme. This is a two-year course aimed at further developing high potential middle leaders.
The programme has been running for a number of years and this is the first time that the Trust has sponsored a number of staff to be involved. Each of the teachers had to submit an application at the end of the summer term and this was followed by a half-day assessment in Birmingham. Demand for places on this course is high and it attracts high calibre staff from all over the country.
The two-year course stretches and supports participants to become leaders in the future and improve educational outcomes for students. This group of Brooke Weston Trust staff will now work together and lead an Impact Project focused on a key strategic priority for the Trust, that is securing seamless curriculum provision from primary to secondary school.