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English Department

In this section, the English department provides an overview of the KS3 and KS4 curriculum and resources to aid revision and support progress.

Department Contacts

Staff Role Email
Mr I Gooda Department Leader & Head of Film

Ms K Younge KS5 English Leader
Ms M Buckland KS4 English Leader

Mrs L Howes

Miss T Stephens

Miss A Hornby


Mrs R Callaghan

Mrs B Simbachako

Mrs M Adams

Ms M Taylor

Mrs J Lynn

Mrs G Clarke

Miss K Borley

Mr K Shorten

Miss L White

Mr D Muyambo 

Miss S Gleave

Mrs H Kember-Whitfield

Director of Literacy

KS3 English Leader

Head of 6th form and Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Teacher of English

Trainee Teacher

Teacher of English

Assessment Policy

All years and abilities are assessed three times per half term – these assessments are standardised and link specifically to the current Scheme of Learning (SOL).  Each assessment involves students reflecting on their work through self or peer assessment, followed by feedback from their class teacher.

Initial Book Mark (IBM)

The first assessment of each half term is a knowledge test used as a baseline to determine how well the students have comprehended the concepts and details of the texts within that specific SOL.  This assessment is completed and marked within the first two weeks of the SOL.

Secondary Book Mark (SBM)

Within the third and fourth week of the SOL, the secondary book mark is completed and assessed.  There are two parts to the secondary book mark.  Firstly, the students complete another knowledge test to ensure progress has been made since the IBM.  Secondly, the students complete a short piece of analytical or creative writing (depending on the requirements of the SOL) – this is marked formatively by the teacher who will write a WOW and NOW in green pen.  Then, following teacher feedback and the exploration of exemplar work, students are given the opportunity to amend and improve their work using purple pen.

Final Book Mark (FBM)

The FBM is completed within the last two weeks of the SOL and is a summative assessment of the student's knowledge and skills.  Now that the SOL is complete and the IBM and SBM knowledge tests have been completed, the students are ready to complete an extended piece of analytical or creative writing to demonstrate the knowledge they have learnt and skills they have developed over the last six weeks.  This piece of work is completed in exam conditions and students are expected to write independently for 30-45 minutes.  This work is marked summatively by the teacher who will provide a KS3 threshold or GCSE grade in green pen.  Again, following teacher feedback and the exploration of exemplar work, students are given the opportunity to amend and improve their work using purple pen.

KS3 Curriculum

We want our students to leave TCA as excellent communicators in their written work, ability to read and oral skills so they can lead successful adult lives. Therefore, we ensure students develop a love of reading through the Accelerated Reader Programme with regular visits to the library, as well as integrating literacy into our KS3 lessons. Furthermore, the KS3 curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure students acquire the skills needed to be successful in the new GCSEs. KS3 students study a range of texts, including modern prose, drama, Shakespeare and Poetry to equip them with the ability to understand, explain and analyse a range of writer’s methods, as well as providing opportunities for them to develop their own creative writing skills. 

KS4 Curriculum

In Year 10 our students complete their GCSE Literature qualification and then in Year 11 they complete their English Language qualification. This enables students to focus on developing key skills and also supports them in remembering key quotations for the new GCSE Literature exams. In both Year 10 and Year 11 we follow the AQA exam board, which also includes and assessment of the students’ speaking and listening skills.

Revision Resources:

Homework for all year groups is set on ‘Show My Homework’ and is designed to support and develop the learning that is taking place in our classrooms in relation to our Schemes of Learning. Homework is set on a weekly basis and should take 60 minutes to complete.

Mock and past exam papers

Podcast - A Christmas Carol

Additional KS4 Revision Resources:
  • BBC Bitesize provides valuable information on KS4 texts used in the AQA exams.
  • AQA website for past papers/Class teacher for revision booklets and exam practice.
  • The English Department provides revision text books at GCSE Evening.
  • PiXLit