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Physical Education and Sport

In this section, the PE department provides an overview of the KS3,KS4 & KS5 curriculum and resources to aid revision and support progress.

Department Contacts




Mrs A Anderson

Second in Department

Mrs L Hooper

RSL Y9 and PE teacher

Mrs B Vine

RSL Y11 and PE teacher

Miss K Smith

Assistant Principal

Mrs A Salmon

Vice Principal

Mrs K Allgood

PE Teacher
Mr S Chamberlain AP Behaviour

Miss C Ridley

Mr N Clarke

Mr J Eldridge

Mrs A Trett

Mr A Porter

PE Teacher

PE Teacher

PE Teacher

PE Teacher

Pe Teacher

Students in KS3 are assessed practically throughout the course of the year according to the PE thresholds.

Year 11 KS4 Core PE

KS4 Examination PE Curriculum

Cambridge National OCR

Students who choose to study the OCR Cambridge National level 2 in Sport Studies will cover 4 units of work over 2 years, with each unit counting as 25% of their final grade.


  • Contemporary Issues in Sport
  • Sport Leadership


  • Developing Sport Skills
  • Sport and the Media


  • My PE exam
  • PE simplified – Sport Studies revision guide

OCR Cambridge National Sport


Key areas of module: 

  • Performance in one team & one individual sport 

  • Review of performance 

  • Apply practice methods to support improvement 

  • Plan a sports activity 

  • Lead a session 

Review performance when leading 

Assessed: Practically and coursework 30% of final grade 

R186: Sport & the media  

Key areas of module: 

  • Different sources of media  

  • Positive effects of media on sport  

  • Negative effects of the media on sport 

Assessed by coursework and makes up 20% of your final grade  


Key areas of module: 

  • What issues impact participation levels 

  • Values promoted through sport 

  • Major sporting events 

  • National governing bodies 

Assessed: 1hr 15min min theory exam (2 attempts) 40% of final grade  


Physical factors affecting performance  

This component will assess:  

  • Applied anatomy and physiology 

  • Physical training 

Assessment: Written paper: 1 hour 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks 


Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology  

This component will assess:  

  • Socio-cultural influences 

  • Sports psychology 

  • Health, fitness and well-being. 

Assessment: Written paper: 1 hour 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks 


Practical Performances  

This component will assess: 

  • Core and advanced skills in three activities taken from the approved lists, one team, one individual & one other.  

Assessment: Non-exam assessment (NEA) 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks 


Analysis and Evaluation of Performance 
  • This component draws upon the knowledge, understanding and skills learnt to analyse and evaluate performance in one activity. 

Assessment: Non-exam assessment (NEA) 10% of total GCSE (9–1) 20 marks 

KS5 Curriculum

Students who decide to study BTEC level 3 sport will cover 4 units of work over 2 years, they are assessed internally in the form of coursework and externally in the form of exams. Please see the curriculum overview for KS5 for more details.

KS5 Resources

  • BTEC Nationals Sport Student Book 1
  • BTEC First in Sport Revision Guide
  • mypeexam (students have access to this learning platform and will be given a log in)

Curriculum overview


Homework for all year groups is set on ‘Show My Homework’ and is designed to support and develop the learning that is taking place in lessons. Homework is set on a weekly basis. In KS3 students will have a task to complete in the first week, then a quiz to complete based on the task they were set. In KS4 all home works are aimed to develop understanding in BTEC Sport.

After school PE Clubs

This will be updated every half term and new activities will be added


Students have a fantastic opportunity to be involved in bi-weekly fixtures (all published on the school calendar) in sports such as Rugby, Netball, Football, Athletics, Softball & Cricket.

Important information for parents

To attend school fixtures students must obtain parental permission and fill out a medical form, we will then inform parents of the fixture via a text message which will contain information about the fixture and expected time for collection.

Please click here for information on concussion in Rugby.