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Transition into Year 7

Transition into Year 7 - September 2024
Transition contacts:
  • Year 7 Raising Standards Leader:
  • Keri Britton, Admissions Manager:
  • Student Services Officer for Year 7: 
Information for parents (for Year 7 intake Sept 2024):

June Newsletter
Newsletter 1/Data Collection
2024/25 term dates
Free School Meals Application
Edulink Guide to update information

ParentPay details will be sent before your child starts on the 6th September.

Transition resources

Parents may find the following resources useful:
Transition resources for Year 6 pupils
More resources for both Year 6 pupils and parents
BBC Bitesize: Year 6 transition
BBC Bitesize: Celebrity tips for starting secondary school
BBC Bitesize: Supporting a child moving to secondary school with Dr Radha
BBC Bitesize: First day nerves - how to prepare, keep calm and carry on
BBC Bitesize: Starting secondary school

Transition Programme 2024/25

Our aims

  • To reassure Year 6 students about their transition to Thomas Clarkson Academy and to prepare them for academy life
  • To support parents and provide them with all the information they need throughout the transition process
  • To gather relevant information from all our feeder primary schools about each student joining Thomas Clarkson Academy in September.

Transition Programme 2024/25

Thomas Clarkson Academy believes that it is imperative that Year 6 students have a positive move into Year 7. It is vital that they feel confident and equipped to make the transition into the Academy at the start of the academic year.

We feel that in order to achieve a positive transition, parents should be fully informed about the process; therefore, we have put together a timetable of the process below.

1st March 2024: National Offer Day

You will receive an email from your local authority with the offer of a place for your child(ren) or alternatively you can check online yourself within the application portal

Please contact Thomas Clarkson Academy to accept your child’s place - 01945 585237.

You can also accept your child’s place online via the Citizen Portal.

If you wish to decline your place you must do this in writing to your Local Authority, please also email

If you applied for a place on paper, then your Local Authority are aiming for you to receive your confirmation letter on this date.

LINK: Cambridgeshire County Council

Week commencing 1st March 2024: Welcome email from TCA

We will be sending out emails to all parents of year 6 children who have been offered places at TCA for September. If you have not received an email then please contact us to update your email address.

This will confirm your offer of a place with us and give you details of how to accept.

April 2024: Deadline for appeal applications

Final dates for appeal applications, please ensure you get the correct date for the local authority area you live in:

Cambridgeshire: April 2024

Cambridgeshire County Council
Norfolk County Council

April 27th 2024: Second-round offer date

This date is when you will receive your offer of a secondary school place if you applied between November 1st 2023 and March 31st 2024.

July 2024: Transition events
  • Transition Evening is Monday 1st July 6-7pm– An important information event where you will also get to meet your child’s tutor. 
  • Transition days are Tuesday 2nd July & Wednesday 3rd July – where your child will get to experience life at TCA 

Useful information:

Free School Meals Application

Uniform Policy and Ordering Process


 First day of term - Friday 6th September

Students should bring their PE kit with them in anticipation of their new timetable which will be issued to them at the start of the day.

October 2024 (date TBC): Year 7 tutor evening
This is an evening event for you and your child you come along and speak with their tutor to discuss how they are settling in to life at TCA.

 Click here for our Admissions page.


"Year 7 was a great year because I got to make a lot of new friends who always had my back, and I mean always. For those of you who don't like change I get it, change can be scary. If you're ever unsure about anything, ask people around you or ask your teachers because the teachers always want you to succeed, so if you're stuck they will help you. So don't be afraid because if this year taught me anything, it's that you don't have to be afraid to ask."


"I have greatly enjoyed being a Year 7 student at TCA. I have enjoyed the opportunities to stretch myself and take part in interesting and enjoyable lessons. In secondary school, there are friendly, helpful teachers and adults to help whenever you need them or if you just need advice about something. Also, you can experience exciting science experiments that you don't normally do in primary. I know at least a few of you will be terrified of how big the school is and are wondering how you will remember where all of your classes are, but don't worry because you can ask an adult who will normally be around before your classes start, before school, at break and at lunch."


"Coming up to secondary school is a daunting experience for everyone - especially at this time - as there is such a big jump from primary, from the number of students to the amount of opportunities that are offered. For me, I was moving from a tiny primary school with just 14 people in my year to having 250 at this school. I made friends quickly but if that is not the case for you then there are student services, the teachers and older pupils that offer a huge amount of support. I personally settled in with the new routine and colossal change in atmosphere fast. The breaktimes and lunchtimes are very cool because there are a lot of things that you can choose to do, like spending some time in the library or catching up with your friends in Eden or even playing football on the field. If you have any worries or fall outs with friends there is always a teacher nearby. I really enjoyed the school trip that most of the Year 7s went on - it helped us overcome fears, make new friends and most importantly have fun. There were a lot of activities that we got to take part in, from screaming at the top of our lungs on the giant swing to falling in the ice cold lake during canoeing. This school has a large amount  of school trips that you are able to go on.

 Whether you are someone who enjoys putting your head down and working on a maths problem or if you prefer running around the field, there is something at Thomas Clarkson Academy for everyone."